Corporate Governance

The Company is committed to maintain high standard of corporate governance standards and procedures to safeguard the interests of all shareholders and to enhance accountability and transparency.

Board of Directors

Mr. Lo Kai Bong

Chairman and Executive Director

Mr. Lo, aged 44, joined the Company on 9 March 2017 as an executive Director and was appointed as director of certain subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Lo has obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Winnipeg in Canada. Mr. Lo has been involved in the business development of the Group’s overseas businesses. Mr. Lo is also responsible for the corporate management, mergers and acquisitions of the Group and is experienced in the gaming industry. Mr. Lo is a member of the Risk Management Committee of the Company. On 12 December 2018, Mr. Lo was appointed as a non-executive director of Summit Ascent Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 102) (“Summit Ascent”), an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company of which the shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). With effect from 26 April 2019, Mr. Lo has been re-designated from a non-executive director to an executive director and has been appointed as the deputy chairman of Summit Ascent. With effect from 31 August 2022, Mr. Lo has been re-designated from the deputy chairman to chairman of the board of Summit Ascent. Mr. Lo is also a substantial shareholder of the Company and Summit Ascent. With effect from 4 May 2021, Mr. Lo was appointed as a director of Suntrust Resort Holdings, Inc. (“Suntrust”,), an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, of which the shares are listed on The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.. On 26 October 2021, Mr. Lo was appointed as the chairman of Suntrust Resort Holdings, Inc.. With effect from 15 July 2024, Mr. Lo was appointed as the president of Suntrust. Mr. Lo is the brother-in-law of Mr. Chiu King Yan, chief financial officer and company secretary of the Company.

Mr. Lam Hung Tuan

Executive Director

Mr. Tou Kin Chuen

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Lo Wai Tung John

Independent Non-Executive Director

Ms. Chan Suet Ngan

Independent Non-Executive Director

Committee Members

  • Mr. Tou Kin Chuen (Chairman)
  • Mr. Lo Wai Tung John
  • Ms. Chan Suet Ngan
  • Mr. Lo Wai Tung John (Chairman)
  • Mr. Tou Kin Chuen
  • Ms. Chan Suet Ngan
  • Ms. Chan Suet Ngan (Chairlady)
  • Mr. Tou Kin Chuen
  • Mr. Lo Wai Tung John
  • Ms. Chan Suet Ngan (Chairlady)
  • Mr. Tou Kin Chuen
  • Mr. Lo Wai Tung John


Description Files
Memorandum of Association
List of Directors and Their Role and Function
Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee
Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee
Terms of Reference for the Nomination Committee
Terms of Reference for the Risk Management Committee
Articles of Association